Derrigorrezko bigarren hezkuntza (DBH) da ikasleek kulturaren oinarrizko elementuak eskura ditzaten lortzea helburu duen etapa, batez ere alderdi humanistiko, artistiko, zientifiko eta teknologikoei dagokienez. Halaber, ikasteko eta lan egiteko ohiturak garatzea eta horietan finkatzea. Ezagutu helburu horiek lortzeko programak eta proiektuak, horretarako behar diren baliabide guztiekin.

Iragazkiak Iragazi kategorien arabera

Emaitzak 13 erakusten


Your World

Your World prepares teenagers for their life ahead: it equips them with the future skills they need to enjoy their social lives, pursue their studies and to succeed in their careers as citizens of the world.


Real World Advanced

Real World Advanced is a challenging course for teenagers that opens the door to a fascinating World of English language knowledge and skills, helping students develop the competences they need for future success.

Gold-Experience-2nd Edition

Gold Experience 2nd Edition

Gold Experience 2nd Edition is an engaging, media-rich course for teenage students which prepares them for Cambridge for Schools exams while motivating students to build the language and skills they need in class and in the world beyond school.